iKi pedia

During the millennium Arjen Hemelaar was traveling the world and stayed in a Japanese Monastery for three years. The first thoughts and ideas about iKi started here as he learned about many products based on green tea. Back home, in the Netherlands, he wanted to do something with this experience and discovered that there was no beer available based green tea.

In the 19th century the most popular drink was beer as water was not considered safe. From the 20th century tea was introduced all over the world as people started traveling and tea became one of the most wanted drinks. Studying these two century’s does that  mean that beer based on green tea, defines the 21st century as the most popular drink?

iKi pedia

The first product, iKi Yuzu, has been developed by food technology graduates from Wageningen University, the Netherlands. They developed a fantastic quality product which has been the fundament of all iKi's Beer's flavours. Today Joppe de Bres of Bier Brouwerij Breda is responsible for further developing and brewing iKi Beer.


At this moment CEO, Luit Mulder, organizes the logistics and quality assurance. Develops new flavours and markets, as his goal is to further expand iKi Beer all over the world.